Thursday, October 20, 2011

Crocodile Feeding!!

Randomly me and my friend Karen found ourself ontop of the Casino in the city. It was night and we were looking for a swing dancing area. Once we got to the top of this Dome shaped Casino we realized something usually goes on there during the day and it was closed.

We read a sign that said Cairns Wildlife Dome. I didnt actually believe they kept animals up there A) because we easily wandered up there (and there should be more security) and B) it was tiny.

We decided we neeed to check it out during the day sometime. So one day we went back. We got a five day pass because during different days they did different things. Koala feeding, crocodile feeding, bird presentations etc..
So I went to the crocodile feeding. O man the things i learned and saw that day made me even more terrified!

The one at the top of the Casino is 45yrs old and 4 meters long (only half way done growing).

The man went on to tell us (basically) that there is nothing you can do if you get caught by one of these cause his outter layer (woulodnt really call it skin) is so tough that you can drop like a ton of bricks on him and he wouldnt budge. The only way to hopefully escape a crocodile is, once he brings you in the water to drown you, reach your hand in to the back of his throat and punch him there. That will make him cough and he will let you go. Pretty sure though if he has my leg im not about to offer up my arm as well :).

The Crocodile guy also told us how they stalk their prey. Apparently they arent the smartest animals so they look for prey that have habitual routines. If a wild hog goes to the same watering spot at the same time he will eventually become crocodile food. They can hold their breath for up to three hours at a time and will usually just watch their prey for a while and everyday get closer and closer until finally that little hog goes for a drink and gets caught by a big old croc!

After hearing all that and watching the croc eat. I am pretty sure I might stay out of the waters here in Cairns!

Feeding time!!

The wildlife dome was pretty cool and there were lots of Aussie native animals up there to see. [Pictures will be on facebook shortly!] But def learned to stay away from Croc infested waters!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Life in the Jungle

Even though I have never lived near the water I have always know that I was a true "sunshine and sand" kind of girl. Living in Cairns has now confirmed that for me! Being outside and (well near) the water

(cant go in some oceans because of the crocodiles) just puts a smile on my face no matter what mood I may be in.
I've become much more of an outdoorsy person and am loving the new tan and getting in shape!
(Now of course I say this before the wet season comes and I am crabby from being inside all day! ha)
Waking up to this view just starts my day off right!

The neighbor hood is just as gorgeous!!

Unfortunately I started this blog on my last lap top which now id broken and it has all my cairns city and neighborhood pictures! Sad story. So I will just have to end this blog and start with more with my current laptops and upcoming photos.

But pretty sure the point was made that I love this city!