Monday, July 4, 2011

Canberra War Memorial

A while ago I got to go to the Canberra War Memorial.

Luckily Paul's aunt Liz was able to take me. She used to be a volunteer tour guide there and without her I do not know what I would have done. It was huge! I went into this knowing nothing about ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps)

It was set up so as you walked through each area you experienced and learned about a different war or battle. Everything in the museum was real from the war. That means the boats, airplanes, submarines, etc...

Aside from the inside museum they had the Roll of Honour. The names of those who have died in battle lined the walls surrounding the memorial courtyard.

Next to the names guests put poppies of those they remember.

The Memorial Courtyard also has the Hall of memory. This is where the tomb of the Unknown Soldier is. It represents the Australians that have died in war.

It was a lot of fun and I learned so much! It even has a kids area called the Discovery Zone. I took the kids and went with Erika (Pauls sister in law) and her 2 kids for Rileys birthday. I wish I brought my camera because it was very impressive. They had 4 different rooms. The first one had a helicopter, a real helicopter from the war, that the kids could go in and pretend to fly. The next room was a submarine ship.

The next room replicated the trenches from the war.

Then they had a making peace war, and life after war room.
The kids had a blast!

Overall the War Memorial was a very fun and educational place!