Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Ive been quite behind on my blogs but a while ago I went to Melbourne for the weekend!
A weekend is definitely not enough time to see this city! It was amazing. And very different from Sydney!
The city at night was gorgeous!

A friend I met on the airplane on my way over to Australia lives in Melbourne so he was able to take me out to Crowne Casino the first night. It was huge! and a lot of fun!

The next day Paul's brother Christopher came into the city and showed me around. The buildings and just culture in the city was mesmerizing.

There was street art down alleys,

performers on the the street,

so many little cafes down the alleys as well. You def do not go down the alleys in Downtown Phoenix. ha

Then you have what the Australian's call Arcades
This was the Royal Arcade, which is also just beautifully built!

Then you have the up-to-date architecture of the Melbourne CBD or City Center

Also in one of the malls you have the lead and factory tower. It was made in 1890 and used to make over 6 tons of lead shots per week until 1961. The building was saved from demolition in 1973 and was incorporated in the large Melbourne Central complex underneath a 84m high conical glass roof, in 1991. The bullets were made by dropping small lumps of molten lead form the top of the building. By the time they reached the bottom, they had cooled and solidified into shot pellets. Individual shots were then checked for size and roundness and were remelted and dropped if not passed by quality control.
Pretty amazing if I do say so myself

Then we come across my dads favorite part. Albert Park. This is the area that gets transformed into a race track for the Australian Grand Prix. The pictures aren't too great because I was in a car going around the "track" but it was cool to see where the drivers get to drive and take pictures for my dad back home!

Overall had an amazing time in an amazing city! Hope to go back one day to explore more cause one weekend was not enough!!!