Monday, September 12, 2011


So until I got to Cairns, Sydney was by far my favorite city in Australia. I love the atmosphere, the people, and of course the Opera house. Luckily it was only a 3 hour bus ride from Canberra so I was able to go twice.

The first time I went I had a gorgeous view of the opera house!

The first weekend I spent there was guided more towards doing the touristy stuff. So I hopped on a tour bus and saw the city!

We also stopped by Bondi beach. It was too cold to actually go in but it was a beautiful!! I could def see myself living there (for millions of dollars!) ha

And of course The Harbour Bridge!! Next time (hopefully I go a next time) Ill do the bridge climb. It looks fun and even when it was raining people were climbing it! Its such a remarkable structure!

And who could forget the Opera House!

My favorite part was the city at night! They had a light show going on and the Sydney Harbour was just beautifully lit and so colorful at night!

The second time I went I caught up with the friends I had made and explored more of their everyday life in, what I think, is the most amazing city in the world. I was able to see a footy game live for the first time and even though I had no idea what was going on :). There were like three goal posts, seriously such a confusing game ha. But overall a very fun day!

Sydney was amazing. I met some amazing people and got to experience life in the fabulous city. The amazing architecture, beautiful waters, and kind people made my trip to Sydney the best it could be!