Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kanes Birthday!

For my first weekend here it was Kane's 2nd birthday!!

My day started out with Riley bursting into my room at 7am (my first day to sleep in!) and telling me I needed to go say Happy Birthday to Kane right away!
I slowly crawled out of bed to find Kane not even awake yet.

Went to the mall with Abbey to do some last minute birthday shopping, then headed home to make Kane's cake!
Abbey has a really cool cake book. There are some crazy ideas in it. I even want one for my brithday!
She decided to make Kane a moon cake!
Abbey was determined to make this cake perfect because her last cake (for Paul's birthday the wekeend before) was not so great ha.

I was pretty impressed

And I frosted a star and think it turned out nicely :)

We then headed to Yass (pronounced "yes") which is about 30 minutes away. It is a really really small town.

That is where Paul's (fairly large) family lives. We all celebrated Kane's birthday there with family around.

Pretty sure Kane had a fun time!

Then the adults played cranium. It was a little different because it had some Australian things I did not know but me and Bridgette got close to winning!

Overall a great first weekend!

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