Saturday, May 7, 2011

A little bit of background behind my trip across the world.

So this is my first time writing a blog so bare with me for a while!

As I was approaching graduation from Arizona State University the question “Now what are you going to do?” kept coming up. I had no answer. I could not decide what my next move was. I wanted some time to think and explore. So I followed in my friend Sarah’s footsteps and joined a website called 
I signed up in October and found a family in Cairns Australia fairly quickly. I was ecstatic. I had always wanted to go to Australia and now it was possible. Unfortunately my visa took longer then expected and I had to postpone my, at that time January trip, till August.
I was devastated. And again the question “Now what are you going to do?” popped up again. I was now in Australia limbo. Just waiting for my visa and having no clue when or even if I would get it.
After 4 long agonizing months I finally received the email that brought me out of limbo. I received it around 5 a.m. and was on the website looking for another family at 5:01.
I was lucky again I found two families that needed me by the end of April till August. Now the hard part came. I had to choose.  If you know me well then you know that making decisions is not something I do best. It took me a week of pro con lists, excel spreadsheets, family and friend advice until I made the decision to go with the family in Canberra Australia.
It is the capital of Australia and a cute little city. It’s 2 hours away from Sydney, 2 hours away from the beaches, 2 hours away from the snowy mountains, and 6 hours from Melbourne. I thought it’d be the perfect city to go to before my 6 month job in the tropical Cairns. This way I can experience all the different aspects of Australia.
So Friday April 29th my dad and me left Phoenix, AZ and headed to L.A. After stopping at the beach and for dinner we headed to the airport and I boarded the plane for my 10 month Australian adventure. 

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