Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Arrival!

I arrived in Canberra Sunday May 1st around noon. It was a 14 hour flight from L.A. to Brisbane and then an almost 2 hour flight from Brisbane to Canberra. The flights were not bad at all. During the long one you had your own personal T.V. and lots of movies to choose from. I am pretty sure I watched about 6.
It was a bright sunny day around 60 degrees when I arrived. I met Abbey, the mother of the family, in the luggage pick up at the airport. We then took a 20-minute drive through the city to a nice little suburb called Dunlop. Pulled into a cute one-story house that is now my home.
When I got to the house 2 little boys were there to greet me. Riley, the red head, is 4 years old and Kane, bright blond hair, is almost 2. They both came up gave me hugs and had the biggest smiles on their faces! Also had gorgeous blue eyes. (I feel like I am the brown eyed girl in this country!)
They were kind enough to give me the master so I have my own closet and bathroom. It is the first room when you walk into the house so it also gives me a bit of privacy since the other rooms are in the rear of the house.
Upon my arrival I learned it was Paul, the dads, birthday! Paul has a very large family and most live in Canberra so I fought through the jet lag and stayed awake through dinner and long conversations. I met about 20 people from his family that night. They were all very welcoming and, thankfully, very understanding that I had just arrived and was not as alert or talkative as I usually am. It was a very fun first night and I was excited to have met a lot of people. I only managed to stay awake till around 7p.m. that night which was good because I had to be up at 6:30 the next day for my first day of work!

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