Thursday, May 26, 2011

Making Cookies!!

When Dan, Abbey's brother, came into town they thought it'd be fun to make chocolate chip cookies. When they asked me how I make them I told them I buy the Toll house 'Break and Bake' cookies. Needless to say there was some laughing.
I have never made chocolate chip cookies from scratch on my own before. So I did some research (because I wanted them to be amazing!) and found a recipe for 'Soft chocolate chip cookies'.
Now there were some doubts at first because it does have vanilla pudding mix in the recipe (probably to keep them soft) but we decided to go for it! (o and the recipe made like 6 dozen :) )

4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 cups butter, softened
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
2 (3.4 ounce) packages instant vanilla pudding mix
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
4 cups semisweet chocolate chips
2 cups chopped walnuts (optional)

Well I do have to admit the cookie dough looked and tasted normal and delicious!!

The boys seemed to enjoy them :)

And luckily the recipe made 6 dozen because yes I am a jinx in the kitchen and ruined the first batch.
I am still not quite sure how to work the oven (there are like 3 knobs, one with no words or numbers just pictures of random stuff, and a switch) and apparently I turned on the grill not the oven so you can say it ended badly :/

Then the second batch I was banned from and Dan got the cookie tray stuck in the oven for like 30 minutes. So second batch ruined as well.

We called those batches the kids cookies :)
(They did not seem to mind)

Then we finally got the hang of it and made some amazing cookies. Which were still soft days later! (thanks to my recipe I found!)

Overall a success if I do say so myself! :)

Cookies were gone in 3 days

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha - your cookie dough looks like scrambled eggs, but I am glad they turned out good. I definitely understand the needing multiple batches- it helps!
